Many kids dont have the physical strength to "fight back" or the language necessary to defend themselves verbally. What they do have, however, is the tremendous ability to embrace their personal and often unique talent(s)-- which gives them the inner courage to endure and protect themselves from the criticisms and cruelties of the "misguided" and unimaginative. Conformity, jealousy, refusing to "dare to be different," and bullying are for the weak of heart AND soul. Self-confidence stems from inner-strength, courage, bravado. Love-of-self fosters peace-towards-all.
A young student of mine, whom I engaged after her reading of this haunting tale, recognized herself immediately in Benjamin -- an outcast with incredible, creative talent. Her social skills are a deficit and her pragmatic language is poor though she takes great pride in her strengths and is one of the happiest and well-adjusted children I know. It bothers me to read that the publishers felt a need to post a "disclaimer" to potential purchasers a sweet and insightful tale and engaging App. Personally, I adore it!
--Speech-Language Pathologist and avid, Anti-Bully activist, Washington, D.C.
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